
Cardinal Peter Turkson
Cardinal Peter Turkson
Pontifical Academy of Sciences
Msgr. Lucio Adrián Ruiz
Msgr. Lucio Adrián Ruiz
Secretary of the Dicastery for Communication
Holy See
  1. Why the Church needs to be a leader on AI

    This presentation highlights why the Catholic Church must take a leading role in the development and ethical guidance of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As a moral authority, the Church can ensure AI promotes human dignity, justice, and the common good. Moreover, by engaging with AI, the Church can leverage the technology to more effectively achieve its evangelical mission, reaching new generations and communities in ways never before possible.

    • The Church's moral authority positions it to influence the ethical development of AI technologies.
    • AI poses profound questions about human dignity, which the Church must address.
    • Leveraging AI can enhance the Church’s capacity to spread its teachings and fulfill its evangelical mission.
    Fr. Michael Baggot, LC
    Fr. Michael Baggot, LC
    Assistant Professor,
    Pontifical Athenaeum
    Regina Apostolorum

    Benefits and perils of AI for the Church

    The panel will explore how the Catholic Church can harness the power of AI to advance its mission while carefully navigating its potential risks. Panelists will discuss how AI can support theological research, pastoral care, and evangelization, as well as the ethical challenges AI poses to human dignity, privacy, and spiritual integrity. This discussion will highlight the Church's responsibility to lead in shaping a moral and ethical AI future.

    • How AI can enhance Church outreach and deepen theological understanding.
    • Ethical concerns about AI's impact on human dignity and freedom.
    • The Church’s role in ensuring AI aligns with Catholic moral teachings.
    Kyle Ballarta (Moderator)
    Kyle Ballarta (Moderator)
    Domus Communis Foundation
    Fr. Eric Salobir, OP
    Fr. Eric Salobir, OP
    Chairman of the Executive Committee
    Human Technology Foundation
    Alexis Haughey
    Alexis Haughey
    Founder & Board Member
    Catholic Institute of Technology
    Daniel Schreck
    Daniel Schreck
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Ave Maria University
    Taylor Black
    Taylor Black
    Principal Program Manager,
    Incubation Studio & Strategic
    Programs Team, Microsoft
  2. How technology transformed the Pontifical Oriental Institute

    This presentation highlights the Institute's leadership in leveraging cutting-edge technology to advance its academic mission. Through digitized classrooms, AI-powered learning tools, and innovative platforms, the Institute has embraced modern technology to deepen its contribution to the Church's intellectual tradition. This transformation strengthens its role as a global hub for theological study and research.

    • Digitization of classrooms and conference spaces to enhance learning and collaboration.
    • Development of Magisterium AI to provide instant access to Church teaching.
    • Vulgate AI's role in digitizing pontifical universities and preserving scholarly resources.
    Fr. David Nazar, SJ
    Fr. David Nazar, SJ
    Administrative Director
    Pontifical Gregorian University

    What is the prophetic vision for AI in the Church

    This panel will delve into the Church's prophetic role in harnessing AI's unique capabilities to advance its evangelical mission. Grounded in Catholic teachings, the discussion will focus on how AI can transform the Church's global outreach and engagement, while upholding the dignity of the human person. Panelists will explore AI’s potential to deepen evangelization, bring justice, and foster human flourishing.

    • Leveraging AI's unique capabilities to power the Church’s global evangelical mission.
    • Exploring how AI can enhance evangelization, catechesis, and outreach.
    • Ensuring AI developments serve humanity, guided by Catholic social teaching.
    Fr. Stephen Wang (Moderator)
    Fr. Stephen Wang (Moderator)
    Venerable English College
    Anthony Granado
    Anthony Granado
    Associate General Secretary
    United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
    Aaron Dominguez
    Aaron Dominguez
    The Catholic University of America
    Sean Graber
    Sean Graber
    Chief Digital Officer
    Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP
    Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP
    Composer, author and educator
    Paulist Fathers
  3. Where's Catholic AI at now? What's next?

    This presentation will explore the progress and future of Catholic AI, focusing on the journey of key applications like Magisterium AI and Vulgate AI. It will discuss the technical challenges in creating AI systems that uphold Catholic teachings and how Longbeard is addressing these issues. The presentation will also introduce new initiatives aimed at expanding the Catholic AI ecosystem and lay the groundwork for training the world's first Catholic AI language model.

    • The evolution of Magisterium AI and Vulgate AI in the Church.
    • Technical hurdles and solutions in developing Catholic AI.
    • Future directions, including a Catholic AI language model and new products.
    Matthew Harvey Sanders
    Matthew Harvey Sanders

    Building an AI innovation ecosystem for the Church

    This panel will explore how professional Catholics with expertise in investing, technology and entrepreneurship can create an ecosystem to empower Catholic entrepreneurs in AI. The discussion will focus on fostering innovation, providing strategic support, and helping entrepreneurs access investment capital to bring their visions to life.

    • Identifying and supporting Catholic entrepreneurs with AI-driven ideas.
    • Establishing networks to connect innovators with investment opportunities.
    • Building a sustainable ecosystem for Catholic-led AI innovations.
    Matthew Pinto (Moderator)
    Matthew Pinto (Moderator)
    Founder/President Emeritus
    Ascension Press/Genesis Group
    Tim Connors
    Tim Connors
    PivotNorth Capital
    Andreas Widmer
    Andreas Widmer
    Founder/President Emeritus
    The Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship
    The Catholic University of America
    Martijn Cremers
    Martijn Cremers
    Mendoza College of Business
    University of Notre Dame
    Andrew DeBerry
    Andrew DeBerry
    Costa Security
  4. AI Consciousness - A Catholic Approach

    This presentation will address the question of AI consciousness from a Catholic perspective. The Church must propose a framework for how we are to deal with the moral and ethical implications of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and ASI (Artificial Superintelligence) and the opportunities and risks they present.

    • What forms of consciousness are ethically worrying?
    • Why testing for consciousness is problematic?
    • Proposing a way forward with the (possible) advent of AGI and ASI.
    Fr. Jean Gove
    Fr. Jean Gove
    Research Affiliate - AI & Humanity Lab
    University of Hong Kong

    Why the Church needs more techno-philosophers & theologians

    The panel "Why the Church Needs More Techno-Philosophers & Theologians" will explore the urgent need for the Catholic Church to cultivate experts who can bridge the gap between faith and emerging technologies like AI. Training Catholic techno-philosophers and theologians will better equip the Church to provide counsel to leaders, guide students and the lay faithful, and engage in productive dialogue with AI industry leaders. By fostering these experts, the Church can better navigate the ethical and spiritual challenges of the digital age.

    • Equip Church leaders with informed counsel on AI ethics and emerging technologies.
    • Guide students and lay faithful on integrating faith and technology.
    • Engage AI industry leaders in meaningful, values-based dialogue.
    Brett Robinson (Moderator)
    Brett Robinson (Moderator)
    Associate Professor of the Practice
    University of Notre Dame
    Fr. Michael Baggot, LC
    Fr. Michael Baggot, LC
    Assistant Professor,
    Pontifical Athenaeum
    Regina Apostolorum
    Max Tegmark
    Max Tegmark
    Future of Life Institute
    Brian Smith
    Brian Smith
    Lynch School of Education & Human Development
    Boston College
    Fr. Philip Larrey
    Fr. Philip Larrey
    Boston College
    Fr. Jean Gove
    Fr. Jean Gove
    Research Affiliate - AI & Humanity Lab
    University of Hong Kong


165 Ventures
Augustine Institute
Catholic Answers
Desales Media
Exodus 90

Participating Organizations

165 Ventures
1Flourish Capital
Ai Workify
Archdiocese of Detroit
Ascension Press
Atos Group
Australian Institute of Advanced Technology
Ave Maria University
Augustine Institute
Battle Media
Bethany College
Boston College
Catholic Answers
Catholic Institute of Technology
Catholic News Service
Costa Security
Curia Generalizia della Compagnia di Gesù
DeSales Media
Domus Communis Foundation
Église catholique en France
Exodus 90
Farmer Fund
FirstMile Ventures
Franciscan University
Future of Life Institute
Glass Canvas
Genesis Group
Gregorian University Foundation
Harvard University
Head West Services, LLC
Human Technology Foundation
Holy Habits
Instituto de Neurociencias
Istituto Acton
John Templeton Foundation
Kluz Ventures
La Machi Communications
Moore Global
NeuralFabric Corp.
Our Sunday Visitor, Inc
Palantir Canada
Patmos Hosting Inc.
Paulist Fathers
PivotNorth Capital
Pontifical Academy of Sciences
Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum
Pontifical Gregorian University
Pontifical University of Santa Croce
Primary Venture Partners
Real Life Catholic
Rome Reports
Salesian Pontifical University
Service pour les professionnels de l'information
Spirit Juice Studios
Treasure Data
The Catholic University of America
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
University of Hong Kong
University of Notre Dame
Venerable English College
Word On Fire Catholic Ministries
Zenodro Homes

The Program

October 24-25, 2024
Casina Pio IV, Vatican City
  • Day 1: October 24
  • Welcoming remarks
    9:00 - 9:15
    • Cardinal Peter Turkson
  • Opening address
    9:15 - 9:30
    • Msgr. Lucio Adrián Ruiz
  • Presentation 1: Why the Church needs to be a leader on AI
    9:30 - 10:00
    • Fr. Michael Baggot, LC
  • Panel 1: Benefits and perils of AI for the Church
    10:00 - 10:45
    • Kyle BallartaModerator
  • Coffee break
    10:45 - 11:15
  • Presentation 2 - Case Study: How technology transformed the Pontifical Oriental Institute
    11:15 - 11:45
    • Fr. David Nazar, SJ
  • Panel 2: What's the prophetic vision for AI in the Church
    11:45 - 12:30
    • Fr. Stephen WangModerator
  • Lunch
    12:30 - 13:30
  • Presentation 3: Where's Catholic AI at now? What's next?
    13:30 - 14:00
    • Matthew Harvey Sanders
  • Panel 3: Building an AI innovation ecosystem for the Church
    14:00 - 14:45
    • Matthew PintoModerator
  • Coffee break
    14:45 - 15:15
  • Presentation 4: AI Consciousness - A Catholic Approach
    15:15 - 15:45
    • Fr. Jean Gove
  • Panel 4: why the Church needs more techno-philosophers and theologians
    15:45 - 16:30
    • Brett RobinsonModerator
  • Workshop overview presentations from leaders
    16:30 - 16:45
  • Closing remarks
    16:45 - 17:00
    • Cardinal Peter Turkson
  • Tour of St. Peter's Basilica - entrance through Porta della Preghiera
    17:00 - 17:45
  • Reception
    18:30 - 19:00
  • Dinner - at the Palazzo Taverna
    19:00 - 22:00
  • Day 2: October 25
  • Welcoming remarks
    9:00 - 9:15
    • Fr. David Nazar, SJ
  • Working group transit
    9:15 - 9:30
  • Workshop opening presentations
    9:30 - 9:45
    • Moderators
  • Workshop sprint #1
    9:45 - 10:30
  • Coffee break
    10:30 - 11:00
  • Workshop Sprint #2
    11:00 - 11:45
    • Moderators
  • Forum feedback notes preparation
    11:45 - 12:30
  • Lunch
    12:30 - 14:00
  • Workshop 1: Building Catholic AI - Challenges and Opportunities
    14:00 - 14:10
    • Matthew Harvey SandersModerator
  • Workshop 1 discussion
    14:10 - 14:30
  • Workshop 2: Investing in Catholic AI - A Path Forward
    14:30 - 14:40
    • Kyle BallartaModerator
  • Workshop 2 discussion
    14:40 - 15:00
  • Workshop 3: AI & Consciousness - What’s the Critical Path?
    15:00 - 15:10
    • Fr. Jean GoveModerator
  • Workshop 3 discussion
    15:10 - 15:30
  • Participant takeaways
    15:30 - 16:00
  • Closing remarks
    16:00 - 16:30
    • Cardinal Peter Turkson
    • Fr. David Nazar, SJ
  • Reception
    17:00 - 17:30
  • Dinner at the Casina Pio IV
    17:30 - 20:30
Casina Pio IV, Vatican City
Casina Pio IV, Vatican City